Bolsas de Estudo Disponíveis para Moçambique

The Russell E. Train Education for Nature Program (EFN) is offering special grants to build capacity for conservation leadership in Mozambique. EFN’s support will contribute to training and education for individuals at top universities and training centers in Mozambique and around the world. In addition, EFN will also support registered non-profit organizations in Mozambique to conduct training and reforestation projects in areas of high conservation value in WWF priority areas within both countries.

Through a competitive selection process, EFN will award funds to individuals and organizations that demonstrate exceptional potential to improve conservation outcomes in both countries.

EFN encourages proven and promising conservation leaders to apply for these special opportunities. Please share this opportunity with your colleagues as well.

Application Information

Click on the specific program of interest to determine application deadlines and details.

For More Information

For more information on Funding Opportunities for Mozambique, send an email message to efn@wwfus.orgor (Mozambique). 

What WWF Is Doing

Grants for Graduate-level Study (for individuals)

Conservation in Mozambique Fellowship – Fellowships support Mozambican conservationists to pursue graduate degrees in conservation-related fields. Applicants must be citizens and permanent residents of Mozambique. The competition is currently closed and will reopen in September of 2016.   

Current & Aspiring University Faculty for Conservation – Fellowships support individuals affiliated with or currently employed at Mozambican universities to pursue doctoral degrees in social science, natural science and other conservation-related fields at any university around the world. The competition is currently closed and will reopen in September of 2016.
NEWLY ADDED Valuing Nature in Mozambique Fellowship – Fellowships support Mozambican conservationists to pursue master’s level degrees at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane in conservation-related fields. Applicants must be citizens and permanent residents of Mozambique. The competition is currently closed.

Grants for Short-term Training (for individuals)

Professional Development Grants (PDGs) - provide support for mid-career conservationists to pursue short-term, non-degree training to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Applicants may attend short courses, conferences, symposium and other training courses. Applicants may request up to $6,500 for the proposed training. The next application deadlines are November 1, 2016 and February 1, 2017.

Grants for Training Workshops (for organizations)
Conservation Workshop Grants- fund organizations to train communities, stakeholders, park guards, and others on local and regional conservation issues. These grants support training workshops with a strong hands-on learning component that will build capacity for people living in WWF priority places in select countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Organizations may request up to $7,500 for the proposed training. Grants are awarded on a quarterly basis. The next application deadlines are November 1, 2016 and February 1, 2017.

Reforestation Grants provide up to $10,000 in funding to organizations from select WWF priority places to conduct restoration and reforestation projects aimed at regaining ecological integrity and enhancing human wellbeing in deforested or degraded forest landscapes (mangrove project are eligible). The competition is currently closed.